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Meet Valerie Bardin, Global Product Manager

 Valerie Bardin, Global Product Manager

Valérie is Global Product Manager for LGC AXIO Proficiency Testing. She holds a Masters in Biology from the University of Lyon and has more than 20 years of experience in microbiology diagnostics. She is passionate about the development of the PT range to best meet the constantly evolving requirements of laboratories.



Explore Valerie's LinkedIn >




Verifying Vegan

How laboratories can maintain pace with the authentication of Vegan Food

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Keeping Cannabis Safe

CBD in Food & Consumer Products

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Optimising Cannabis testing in your lab

Dr Ehrenstofer, Axio and Digamma Consultancy deliver a though-provoking and engaging discussion with industry experts sharing their insights, experiences and best practices to help you optimise your cannabis testing.

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The PT Panel

Product integrity on show: labelling under the microscope

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The Salmonella Story

The past, present and future of Salmonella testing

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Confidence in Food Contact

How laboratories can maintain pace with FCM and packaging regulations and consumer demands.

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Safeguarding Supplements

Ensuring quality and trust in dietary supplements testing

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SARS-CoV-2 Testing Beyond the Clinical Space

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