Opiate and Opioid Reference Materials
Opioids are a class of drugs that include natural, synthetic or semi-synthetic substances which act on opioid receptors in the body. Natural opioids, also known as opiates, are derived from the opium poppy plant and include drugs such as morphine and codeine. Semi-synthetic opioids are chemically modified opiates – examples of which include heroin, oxycodone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, or oxymorphone. Synthetic opioids, meanwhile, are completely man-made substances, such as methadone, tramadol and fentanyl.
Opioids are typically used for pain relief or in anaesthesia, but their use is tightly regulated due to the high risk of addiction, tolerance, and overdose. Analysis of biological samples such as blood, urine, hair, or saliva is performed to determine the presence and concentration of these opioids, and to understand their role in cases related to overdose, substance abuse and death. Knowing the levels and types of opioids in the body is crucial in both forensic investigations and clinical toxicology - for example, in ensuring accurate diagnosis and appropriate treatment, as well as in supporting legal proceedings.
LGC Standards offers a wide range of opiate and opioid reference materials and research chemicals to support your testing and research requirements - including key metabolites, stable isotopes and matrix materials.
- Codice prodotto: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- Numero CAS: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marca: {{ product.brand.name }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Descrizione EP: {{ product.epDescriptions.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Descrizione USP: {{ product.uspDescriptions.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Tipologia prodotto: {{product.productType.join(', ')}}
- Formato del prodotto: {{ product.format }}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Metodo analitico: {{ product.astm.map(e => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- API: {{ product.apiFamilyList.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Impurità correlate:
Visualizzazione di tutte le {{product.apImpurityDataList.length}} impurità connesse di questa famiglia di API.
- Codice prodotto: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- Numero CAS: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marca: {{ product.brand.name }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Descrizione EP: {{ product.epDescriptions.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Descrizione USP: {{ product.uspDescriptions.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Tipologia prodotto: {{product.productType.join(', ')}}
- Formato del prodotto: {{ product.format }}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Metodo analitico: {{ product.astm.map(e => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Codice prodotto: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- Numero CAS: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marca: {{ product.brand.name }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Tipologia prodotto: {{product.productType.join(', ')}}
- Livello di biosicurezza {{ product.lgcBiosafetyLevel || '-' }}
Devi rispettare la normativa del tuo Paese
- Designazione del ceppo: {{ product.lgcStrainDesignation }}
- Malattia: {{ product.disease }}
- Organismo: {{ product.lgcOrganism }}
- Formato del prodotto: {{ product.format }}
- Tipo di cellula: {{ product.cellType }}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Metodo analitico: {{ product.astm.map(e => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Codice prodotto: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- Numero CAS: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marca: {{ product.brand.name }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Formato del prodotto: {{ product.format }}
- Matrice: {{ product.matrix3 | tostring }}
- Lega/Grado: {{ product.grade }}
- Dimensions: {{ product.dimensions }}
- Regulatory Method: {{product.epaMethods.map(e => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44)}}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Metodo analitico: {{ product.astm.map(e => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Codice prodotto: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- Schema PT: {{ product.ptScheme }} {{ product.ptScheme }}
- Product Line: Marca: {{ product.brand.name }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Matrice: {{ product.matrix3 | tostring }}
- Sector: {{ product.industrySectors.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Analiti: {{ product.analyteName | analyteMixture }}
Visualizzazione di tutti i {{product.analyteName.length}} analiti per questo prodotto.
- {{ analyte.split(':')[0] }} {{ analyte.split(':')[1] }}
- Codice prodotto: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- Numero CAS: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marca: {{ product.brand.name }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Tipologia prodotto: {{product.productType.join(', ')}}
- Formato del prodotto: {{ product.format }}
- Regulatory Method: {{product.epaMethods.map(e => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44)}}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Metodo analitico: {{ product.astm.map(e => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Analiti: {{ product.analyteName | analyteMixture }}
Visualizzazione di tutti i {{product.analyteName.length}} analiti per questo prodotto.
- {{ analyte.split(':')[0] }} {{ analyte.split(':')[1] }}
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