Drugs of Abuse in Oral Fluid (DOF)
"Our drugs of abuse in oral fluid proficiency testing scheme - featuring real human oral fluid samples"
Drug testing is extremely accurate and reliable when all aspects of the testing process are carried out correctly. However, if poor procedures and inadequate testing methods are utilised, the information obtained may be very misleading and inaccurate. To minimise this risk, laboratories should perform routine quality control tests and participate in suitable PT/EQA schemes.
DOF, AXIO's Drugs of Abuse in Oral Fluid proficiency testing programme, provides real human oral fluid samples to enable robust performance assessments for laboratories and clinics that provide analytical services in this field. Advances in technology have enabled oral fluid testing for the presence of many drugs. Oral fluid collection is also often less invasive, relatively easy to perform, and in forensic situations can be achieved under close supervision to prevent adulteration or substitution of the samples.
The operation of our DOF scheme is supported by an Advisory Group consisting of members of professional bodies, scheme participants, and others experienced in the field. The programme reports on the performance of UK participants (who have clinical responsibilities) to the National Quality Assurance Advisory Panels for Chemical Pathology.
{{ "PT Drugs of Abuse in Oral Fluid Accreditation" | truncate(70) }}
{{ "Please see individual products for specific accreditation status" | truncate(70) }} See our accreditations
Informazioni sullo schema
Date di distribuzione
Termine Ultimo Presentazione Risultati
Reporting Deadline
24 February 2025
31 March 2025
09 June 2025
14 July 2025
26 August 2025
29 September 2025
17 November 2025
22 December 2025
Filtra risultati
- Codice prodotto: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- Numero CAS: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marca: {{ product.brand.name }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Descrizione EP: {{ product.epDescriptions.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Descrizione USP: {{ product.uspDescriptions.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Tipologia prodotto: {{product.productType.join(', ')}}
- Formato del prodotto: {{ product.format }}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Metodo analitico: {{ product.astm.map(e => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- API: {{ product.apiFamilyList.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Impurità correlate:
Visualizzazione di tutte le {{product.apImpurityDataList.length}} impurità connesse di questa famiglia di API.
- Codice prodotto: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- Numero CAS: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marca: {{ product.brand.name }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Descrizione EP: {{ product.epDescriptions.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Descrizione USP: {{ product.uspDescriptions.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Tipologia prodotto: {{product.productType.join(', ')}}
- Formato del prodotto: {{ product.format }}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Metodo analitico: {{ product.astm.map(e => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Codice prodotto: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- Numero CAS: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marca: {{ product.brand.name }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Tipologia prodotto: {{product.productType.join(', ')}}
- Livello di biosicurezza {{ product.lgcBiosafetyLevel || '-' }}
Devi rispettare la normativa del tuo Paese
- Designazione del ceppo: {{ product.lgcStrainDesignation }}
- Malattia: {{ product.disease }}
- Organismo: {{ product.lgcOrganism }}
- Formato del prodotto: {{ product.format }}
- Tipo di cellula: {{ product.cellType }}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Metodo analitico: {{ product.astm.map(e => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Codice prodotto: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- Numero CAS: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marca: {{ product.brand.name }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Formato del prodotto: {{ product.format }}
- Matrice: {{ product.matrix3 | tostring }}
- Lega/Grado: {{ product.grade }}
- Dimensions: {{ product.dimensions }}
- Regulatory Method: {{product.epaMethods.map(e => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44)}}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Metodo analitico: {{ product.astm.map(e => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Codice prodotto: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- Schema PT: {{ product.ptScheme }} {{ product.ptScheme }}
- Product Line: Marca: {{ product.brand.name }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Matrice: {{ product.matrix3 | tostring }}
- Sector: {{ product.industrySectors.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Analiti: {{ product.analyteName | analyteMixture }}
Visualizzazione di tutti i {{product.analyteName.length}} analiti per questo prodotto.
- {{ analyte.split(':')[0] }} {{ analyte.split(':')[1] }}
- Codice prodotto: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- Numero CAS: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marca: {{ product.brand.name }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Tipologia prodotto: {{product.productType.join(', ')}}
- Formato del prodotto: {{ product.format }}
- Regulatory Method: {{product.epaMethods.map(e => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44)}}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Metodo analitico: {{ product.astm.map(e => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Analiti: {{ product.analyteName | analyteMixture }}
Visualizzazione di tutti i {{product.analyteName.length}} analiti per questo prodotto.
- {{ analyte.split(':')[0] }} {{ analyte.split(':')[1] }}
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{{ errors.first('firstName') }}
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