Matrix Reference Materials
The use of food matrix materials helps to assess and validate the performance of testing methods in the presence of complex matrix effects.
Such effects include the interaction of the organic, inorganic or microbiological contaminants with the material in which they are present, which can impact the accuracy and sensitivity of results.
Our range of food, feed and beverage matrix reference materials helps replicate the real-world challenges that analysts face by mimicking the composition of the real sample matrix, but with known concentrations - enabling your laboratory to demonstrate the robustness of its methods and techniques.
Our high-quality matrix materials range features common matrices such as flour, plants and crops, seafood, dairy and meat products, feeds and pet food, plus juices and other beverages.
Filtra risultati
- Codice prodotto: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- Numero CAS: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marca: {{ }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Descrizione EP: {{ product.epDescriptions.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Descrizione USP: {{ product.uspDescriptions.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Tipologia prodotto: {{product.productType.join(', ')}}
- Formato del prodotto: {{ product.format }}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Metodo analitico: {{ => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- API: {{ product.apiFamilyList.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Impurità correlate:
Visualizzazione di tutte le {{product.apImpurityDataList.length}} impurità connesse di questa famiglia di API.
- Codice prodotto: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- Numero CAS: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marca: {{ }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Descrizione EP: {{ product.epDescriptions.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Descrizione USP: {{ product.uspDescriptions.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Tipologia prodotto: {{product.productType.join(', ')}}
- Formato del prodotto: {{ product.format }}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Metodo analitico: {{ => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Codice prodotto: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- Numero CAS: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marca: {{ }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Tipologia prodotto: {{product.productType.join(', ')}}
- Livello di biosicurezza {{ product.lgcBiosafetyLevel || '-' }}
Devi rispettare la normativa del tuo Paese
- Designazione del ceppo: {{ product.lgcStrainDesignation }}
- Malattia: {{ product.disease }}
- Organismo: {{ product.lgcOrganism }}
- Formato del prodotto: {{ product.format }}
- Tipo di cellula: {{ product.cellType }}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Metodo analitico: {{ => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Codice prodotto: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- Numero CAS: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marca: {{ }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Formato del prodotto: {{ product.format }}
- Matrice: {{ product.matrix3 | tostring }}
- Lega/Grado: {{ product.grade }}
- Dimensions: {{ product.dimensions }}
- Regulatory Method: {{ => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44)}}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Metodo analitico: {{ => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Codice prodotto: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- Schema PT: {{ product.ptScheme }} {{ product.ptScheme }}
- Product Line: Marca: {{ }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Matrice: {{ product.matrix3 | tostring }}
- Sector: {{ product.industrySectors.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Analiti: {{ product.analyteName | analyteMixture }}
Visualizzazione di tutti i {{product.analyteName.length}} analiti per questo prodotto.
- {{ analyte.split(':')[0] }} {{ analyte.split(':')[1] }}
- Codice prodotto: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- Numero CAS: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marca: {{ }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Tipologia prodotto: {{product.productType.join(', ')}}
- Formato del prodotto: {{ product.format }}
- Regulatory Method: {{ => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44)}}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Metodo analitico: {{ => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Analiti: {{ product.analyteName | analyteMixture }}
Visualizzazione di tutti i {{product.analyteName.length}} analiti per questo prodotto.
- {{ analyte.split(':')[0] }} {{ analyte.split(':')[1] }}
{{ errored.message }}
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{{ errors.first('firstName') }}
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{{ errors.first('quantity') }}
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