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Propionic acid sodium

Synonymes : Sodium propionate, Sodium propanoate, Propionic acid sodium salt Afficher plus

Code du produit


Numéro CAS


Présentation du produit


Numéro de lot




Regulatory Method

EU_2008_1333, EU_2010_37, EU_2009_1223

Formule moléculaire

C3 H5 O2 . Na

Poids moléculaire


Type de produit

Propionic acid sodium
ISO 17034

Price and availability

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250 mg
En stock


Certificat d'analyses

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Fiche de données de sécurité
Document SDS  (United Kingdom (EU REACH))

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Dr. Ehrenstorfer

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Since 1975, Dr. Ehrenstorfer has led the way in producing pesticide reference standards. Today, our portfolio is constantly expanding to adapt to changing regulations and technology, as we support your need for high-quality reference materials for food and environmental analysis.

We are passionate about supporting your science for a safer world. Our products are produced to the highest quality, with all analytical measurements performed under our ISO/IEC 17025 scope of accreditation and a leading product range manufactured according to our ISO 17034 accreditation. We use the most advanced analytical techniques to characterise our reference materials, so that you can rely on the scientific integrity of the data contained in your Certificate of Analysis.

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