Allergen Reference Materials
Many countries require ingredients that contain named allergens to be highlighted on food and drink packaging labels, as a warning to consumers who may be sensitive to those compounds. Among the most common allergens named in global legislation such as FALCPA and (EU) 1169 are crustacea, milk, egg, fish, peanut, sulphite, tree nuts, soy, wheat and/or gluten.
Many recalls due to the presence of a food allergen are caused by preventable labelling errors - particularly the omission of intentionally added foods or ingredients containing priority allergens. Therefore, testing for allergens in raw materials, purchased ingredients and finished products is essential to detect cross-contamination in transport or storage, mistiming or swapping ingredients on the production line, recipe changes that are not aligned with packaging or labelling, and during final labelling checks.
High-quality allergen reference materials are essential for accurate analytical measurement and quality control, ensuring sound decisions are made based on reliable data.
We, therefore, provide a range of allergen reference materials to support your allergen testing - including ‘positive’ matrices to help confirm your method and its application are successful, quantitative standards, blank matrices, ELISA kits for allergen testing, and specific proteins (such as Arachin H1, H2, H3 and H6).
{{ "Food & Beverage Allergens accreditation" | truncate(70) }}
{{ "Bitte beachten Sie die einzelnen Produkte für spezifische Akkreditierungen" | truncate(70) }} See our accreditations
- Produktcode: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- CAS-Nummer: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marke: {{ }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- EP-Beschreibung: {{ product.epDescriptions.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- USP-Beschreibung: {{ product.uspDescriptions.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Produkttyp: {{product.productType.join(', ')}}
- Produktformat: {{ product.format }}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Analytische Methode: {{ => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- API-Familie: {{ product.apiFamilyList.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Zugehörige Verunreinigungen:
Zeigt alle {{product.apImpurityDataList.length}} verwandten Verunreinigungen für diese Werkstofffamilie an.
- Produktcode: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- CAS-Nummer: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marke: {{ }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- EP-Beschreibung: {{ product.epDescriptions.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- USP-Beschreibung: {{ product.uspDescriptions.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Produkttyp: {{product.productType.join(', ')}}
- Produktformat: {{ product.format }}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Analytische Methode: {{ => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Produktcode: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- CAS-Nummer: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marke: {{ }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Produkttyp: {{product.productType.join(', ')}}
- Biosicherheitsstufe {{ product.lgcBiosafetyLevel || '-' }}
Sie müssen die Vorschriften Ihres Landes beachten
- Stammbezeichnung: {{ product.lgcStrainDesignation }}
- Krankheit: {{ product.disease }}
- Organismus: {{ product.lgcOrganism }}
- Produktformat: {{ product.format }}
- Zellart: {{ product.cellType }}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Analytische Methode: {{ => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Produktcode: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- CAS-Nummer: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marke: {{ }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Produktformat: {{ product.format }}
- Matrix: {{ product.matrix3 | tostring }}
- Legierung/Güteklasse: {{ product.grade }}
- Dimensions: {{ product.dimensions }}
- Regulatory Method: {{ => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44)}}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Analytische Methode: {{ => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Produktcode: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- PT Schema: {{ product.ptScheme }} {{ product.ptScheme }}
- Product Line: Marke: {{ }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Matrix: {{ product.matrix3 | tostring }}
- Sector: {{ product.industrySectors.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Analyten: {{ product.analyteName | analyteMixture }}
zeigt alle {{product.analyteName.length}} Analyten für dieses Produkt.
- {{ analyte.split(':')[0] }} {{ analyte.split(':')[1] }}
- Produktcode: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- CAS-Nummer: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marke: {{ }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Produkttyp: {{product.productType.join(', ')}}
- Produktformat: {{ product.format }}
- Regulatory Method: {{ => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44)}}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Analytische Methode: {{ => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Analyten: {{ product.analyteName | analyteMixture }}
zeigt alle {{product.analyteName.length}} Analyten für dieses Produkt.
- {{ analyte.split(':')[0] }} {{ analyte.split(':')[1] }}
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