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Environmental Reference Materials

We support your environmental and analytical testing with a market-leading range of quality reference materials. Our portfolio expands and adapts to changing regulations and technology – improving your laboratory’s efficiency and giving you confidence in the accuracy of your results.


Our portfolio of ISO/IEC 17034 and 17025-accredited reference materials enables your analysis of a broad range of analytes – including pesticides, PFAS, pharmaceutical and veterinary residues, and cannabinoids.


The LGC product range includes state-of-the art multi-residue mixtures, and stable isotope labelled reference materials, while our ISO 17034 Certificates of Analysis give customers the most detailed information possible – including total combined uncertainty statements traceable to SI units.


Discover our online product range below.

Environmental Accreditation

Bitte beachten Sie die einzelnen Produkte für spezifische Akkrediti... See our accreditations

ISO 17034
ISO/IEC 17025
ISO 9001

  • Now available our 2024 PFAS Catalogue!

    View our comprehensive range of PFAS reference materials.

  • New PFAS mixture to support EPA Method 1633

    Explore our latest mixture featuring 40 PFAS analytes.

  • Discover our new Article on Pesticides

    The global pesticides picture: Plus ça change...


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