Chocolate and Cocoa (QCS)
"Our chocolate and cocoa proficiency testing scheme - helping you meet the challenges of chocolate testing with confidence"
Ensuring the safety and quality of chocolate and cocoa products is particularly challenging. In mature markets like Europe, regulators set clear rules and definitions for the composition, manufacture, packaging, and labelling of chocolate and cocoa products. When producers fail to meet those standards, mass recalls tend to make the news and provoke an emotive response amongst devoted consumers – leading to significant damage to both brand reputation and the bottom line.
Guaranteeing product safety is also becoming more difficult for company laboratories – not just because of innate compositional factors such as high sugar and fat content, but also due to uncertain growing and cultivation conditions that potentially increase the concentration of certain analytical parameters, as well as the rise in popularity of organic, raw and unprocessed ranges. Covering both raw and finished products, and with more than half of its samples supplied as cocoa powder, AXIO's QCS Chocolate and Cocoa Proficiency Testing Scheme is specifically designed to meet the industry’s particular demands for chocolate and cocoa proficiency testing – and provide members of our global network of laboratories with confidence in the measurement and accuracy of their results.
{{ "PT Chocolate Accreditation" | truncate(70) }}
{{ "Bitte beachten Sie die einzelnen Produkte für spezifische Akkreditierungen" | truncate(70) }} See our accreditations
20 January 2025
24 February 2025
27 May 2025
30 June 2025
22 September 2025
27 October 2025
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- Produktcode: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- CAS-Nummer: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marke: {{ }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- EP-Beschreibung: {{ product.epDescriptions.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- USP-Beschreibung: {{ product.uspDescriptions.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Produkttyp: {{product.productType.join(', ')}}
- Produktformat: {{ product.format }}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Analytische Methode: {{ => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- API-Familie: {{ product.apiFamilyList.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Zugehörige Verunreinigungen:
Zeigt alle {{product.apImpurityDataList.length}} verwandten Verunreinigungen für diese Werkstofffamilie an.
- Produktcode: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- CAS-Nummer: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marke: {{ }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- EP-Beschreibung: {{ product.epDescriptions.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- USP-Beschreibung: {{ product.uspDescriptions.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Produkttyp: {{product.productType.join(', ')}}
- Produktformat: {{ product.format }}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Analytische Methode: {{ => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Produktcode: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- CAS-Nummer: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marke: {{ }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Produkttyp: {{product.productType.join(', ')}}
- Biosicherheitsstufe {{ product.lgcBiosafetyLevel || '-' }}
Sie müssen die Vorschriften Ihres Landes beachten
- Stammbezeichnung: {{ product.lgcStrainDesignation }}
- Krankheit: {{ product.disease }}
- Organismus: {{ product.lgcOrganism }}
- Produktformat: {{ product.format }}
- Zellart: {{ product.cellType }}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Analytische Methode: {{ => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Produktcode: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- CAS-Nummer: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marke: {{ }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Produktformat: {{ product.format }}
- Matrix: {{ product.matrix3 | tostring }}
- Legierung/Güteklasse: {{ product.grade }}
- Dimensions: {{ product.dimensions }}
- Regulatory Method: {{ => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44)}}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Analytische Methode: {{ => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Produktcode: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- PT Schema: {{ product.ptScheme }} {{ product.ptScheme }}
- Product Line: Marke: {{ }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Matrix: {{ product.matrix3 | tostring }}
- Sector: {{ product.industrySectors.join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Analyten: {{ product.analyteName | analyteMixture }}
zeigt alle {{product.analyteName.length}} Analyten für dieses Produkt.
- {{ analyte.split(':')[0] }} {{ analyte.split(':')[1] }}
- Produktcode: {{ product.sourcePart ? product.sourcePart : product.code }}
- CAS-Nummer: {{product.listCASNumber | tostring }}
- Product Line: Marke: {{ }} {{ product.manufacturer }}
- Produkttyp: {{product.productType.join(', ')}}
- Produktformat: {{ product.format }}
- Regulatory Method: {{ => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44)}}
- Purity: {{ product.purity }}
- Analytische Methode: {{ => e.code).join(', ') | truncate(44) }}
- Analyten: {{ product.analyteName | analyteMixture }}
zeigt alle {{product.analyteName.length}} Analyten für dieses Produkt.
- {{ analyte.split(':')[0] }} {{ analyte.split(':')[1] }}
{{ errored.message }}
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