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Sugar - Chemistry (SUPSCHEM)

"Sugars proficiency testing that underpins the quality of your product data"


Monitoring sugar quality is crucial to many industries – since it is central to improving the texture, flavour, longevity, consistency and other key characteristics of countless products.


AXIO's sugars proficiency testing scheme (SUPS) incorporates a range of samples that support both microbiological and chemical testing. To support chemistry labs, we collaborate with the International Commission for Uniform Methods of Sugar Analysis (ICUMSA), which provides robust, internationally validated methods of analysis to aid the trade in sugar and sugar products. AXIO has also developed a number of samples to assist our microbiology network with their analysis of yeasts, moulds, mesophilic aerobic microorganisms and other bacteria that may affect sugar quality.

PT Sugar - Chemistry Accreditation

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ISO/IEC 17043
ISO 9001



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