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Brewing Analytes - Microbiology (BAPSMICRO)

Microbiological test materials contain organisms typically encountered in the brewing industry and look at factors such as the identity of organisms, lactic acid bacteria count, and wild yeast count.


AXIO Proficiency Testing recognises the challenges within your industry, this is why we developed the scheme BAPSMIRCO. The scheme is jointly run by AXIO Proficiency Testing and Campden BRI, promoting quality in the measurement of microbiological analytes in real beer. For laboratories that perform the analysis of beer, participation in BAPS can provide confidence that results are meaningful and accurate, which, in turn, helps to ensure consistency in the quality of beer and integrity of the brand.


PT Brewing Analytes - Microbiology Accreditation

Bitte beachten Sie die einzelnen Produkte für spezifische Akkrediti... See our accreditations

ISO/IEC 17043
ISO 9001



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