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Smart Solutions Made To Measure

Analytical testing to ensure the safety and quality of our food and the environment has grown from luxury to necessity in recent years. And with pesticide use increasing year on year, the methods required to ensure public and consumer safety are constantly updated and continue to evolve in anticipation of future concerns across the globe. 


For efficiency and accuracy in analytical measurement and quality control, high-quality Reference Materials are paramount, and can ensure sound decisions are made based on the most reliable data. Since 1975, Dr. Ehrenstorfer has led the way in producing these quality reference materials for food and environmental analysis. Over that time, we have developed a comprehensive range, including Smart Solutions™ custom standards, to help you work smarter.  


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In order to find a custom-made solution that meets your lab's requirements, it is essential to partner with a reference material provider that can ensure the high quality and quick service that you need. At Dr. Ehrenstorfer, we guarantee quality by matching the accreditation of our custom solutions to our extensive catalogue portfolio, so that all custom products can be produced to your required accreditation level, such as 17025 or 17034. With more than 10,000 neat materials in stock to facilitate fast turnaround times on your custom request, Dr. Ehrenstorfer can produce your solution in five days*, responding with a quote no later than the next business day**.




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Moreover, multi-component analysis kits provide your lab with greatly improved efficiency. Instead of analysing single components, it makes practical and economic sense to simultaneously test multiple components in a single solution. As an example, Dr. Ehrenstorfer has developed a multi-component, chemically complex product in a quest for an efficient QC solution for multiple analytes. This first-of-its-kind kit began life as an internal standard, providing second source validation for our customers’ plethora of requested analytes – ensuring the validity of their original test – and has since been developed into a reference material solution. 


The resultant product, known today as the Smart Solutions™ LC v700 PestiMix Kit, offers a quick and easy solution to enable prompt calibration and spiking of 745 pesticide analytes. 


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Featuring the largest mixture of analytes on the market, our LC PestiMix kit launched in 2020, offering a rapid 30-minute calibration time, following a three-minute preparation step.


Optimal Design


Bench scientists understand the challenges of updated analytical legislation more than most, with many noting concerns of cross-contamination, particularly when monitoring pesticide residues. LGC Standards’ Dr. Dan Biggerstaff, Technical Director of LGC’s Charleston facility, was part of the team behind our innovative new PestiMix kits. In this Chemistry World article, he gives his insights into the benefits of our collaborative approach to producing high-quality products, and the process behind them. 


In the article, he provides a snapshot of working life at Dr. Ehrenstorfer, and outlines how our collaborative approach to the creation of multi-component, chemically complex products helps to drive efficiency across laboratory protocols. Furthermore, he discusses how our proven track record of solving technically challenging analytical problems makes Dr. Ehrenstorfer the partner of choice for developing these types of custom reference materials. 


Dr. Ehrenstorfer Smart Solutions™ are designed with optimal analytical performance in mind. Whether your needs include single analytes or multi residue screening, we have it covered. And, if your multicomponent solution is complex, with large numbers of analytes, we can group those analytes by retention time rather than product class for optimal elution. This provides the best calibration curve spread to ensure the fastest, easiest way to test for hundreds of analytes in one run.


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With the ultimate goal of safeguarding consumer and environmental health, it is essential that your lab can produce reliable results when analysing samples from foodstuffs, the environment and more. LGC’s range of Dr. Ehrenstorfer reference materials helps you do just that. So, whatever your analyte challenge, Dr. Ehrenstorfer is there to create your Smart Solutions™ Made to Measure


Put us to the test. Submit your online request and discover high quality, reliable results and rapid turnaround at www.LGCStandards.com/custom.  


*We aim to produce and deliver your ISO 17025 custom solution in 5-10 business days; We aim to produce your ISO 17034 custom solution in 15 business days. Production and delivery time may vary depending on custom solution requirements, customer location and manufacturing location.  

**We aim to provide a quotation no later than the next business day. However, this time may vary depending on custom solution requirements and when the quotation request is received. Quotation requests received at a weekend may take longer.


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