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Like many of us, the creators of this newsletter took a well-deserved holiday last month – returning refreshed and ready to meet whatever the working world throws at us for the rest of 2022. However, the team at Dr Ehrenstorfer never stops working to improve and expand our reference materials range – constantly innovating to bring you state of the art products and continuing to support your lab. Here, we invite you to take a look at our outstanding new releases, or get in touch to find out how we can help you.


Helping you to measure drug residue risks 


Monitoring the threat posed by human and animal drug residues in the environment is a key concern for governments and analytical scientists around the world. It’s also why Dr Ehrenstorfer has introduced our breakthrough Smart Solutions PharmaVetResiMix kit – enabling the rapid screening of 59 analytes in just four ampoules.

We’re also continuing to innovate by releasing another six single solution reference materials this month: for the sulfonamide antibiotics sulfamethazine, sulfamethoxazole, and sulfamonomethoxine, as well as the beta blocker carazolol, the veterinary antimicrobial dimetridazole, and the bronchodilator tulobuterol.


View our range of pharmaceutical and veterinary compound products here.  


Triple X: try our three xylene reference materials


The three isomers of xylene are used as solvents in a variety of manufacturing sectors, and are also key components of BTEX chemicals for the petrochemical and fracking industries. However, as xylenes can leak into the soil, surface water and groundwater, and because high levels of exposure to them can fatally affect the Central Nervous System, they are subject to tight regulation around the world. Both the European Union and the US Environmental Protection Agency have set legally enforceable maximum levels that can be released into water, while Australia banned the use of BTEX in fracking in 2011. This month, we’re releasing three neat reference materials to support your analysis of meta-xylene, ortho-xylene, and para-xylene.


View our range of hydrocarbon and petrochemical reference materials here.


Now available: our neat new nitrobenzene standard


Nitrobenzene is one of the world’s leading industrial chemicals – used primarily to make the aniline needed to manufacture dyes, agricultural chemicals and photographic materials, but also employed in lubricating oils, paints and pharmaceuticals. However, it is reasonably anticipated to be a human carcinogen, and is also highly flammable - emitting toxic fumes of nitrogen oxides on ignition. This month, we’re releasing an up-to-date reference material for nitrobenzene, as well as another neat product for the detection of the pharmaceutical precursor and agrochemical intermediate 4-Bromofluorobenzene.


View our range of phenol and aromatic compound reference materials here.

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