If a product that you are searching for cannot be located on our website then it may be it is not available online. If you cannot find the product you need, then please contact your local sales office. To give yourself the maximum chance of finding a product you need online, please use the ""all products"" drop down box in the search function.
How can I filter my search results?
The web shop has advanced search features available that allow you to refine your search results, and drill down multiple levels to ensure that you locate your item by the filters selected. Once you complete a search you can use the search facets on the left hand side column to refine results lists by Category, Brand, Format, Technique and Accreditation.
I know the product code that I want. How can I find it online?
Please type the product code into the search bar on the left hand side of the web page and click Go. You will then be displayed a list of choices. If the product is available on the web shop it the product code will be one of the first one shown. Alternatively you can use the Quick Order feature.
How do I select an appropriate solvent to prepare my standards?
In the first instance, you should refer to your in-house procedure/SOP. If you don’t have this or this is the first time you have used a particular compound, a number of factors can influence the choice of solvent, including solubility of the chemical, miscibility of different solvents and the application or technique you are using. There are a wide range of solvents to choose from and this can be quite overwhelming. We have supplied a list of example solvents that are suitable for a range of compounds / analytes. However please note, this list is a suggested list and other solvents can also be appropriate. If you can't find what you need or require any further assistance please contact us askus@lgcstandards.com.
Why are different analytical methods used for different lots of the same product?
We are constantly reviewing and optimizing our procedures and analytical methods used in the production and certification process. Therefore the analytical method used for one particular lot may vary to the next lot for the same chemical. Our aim is to provide the best available method at the time of testing.
Does the purity value provided on the Certificate of Analysis already account for water content?
The water content on the Certificate of Analysis of your neat material is provided for information only. We have taken the water content into account when calculating the purity value provided. Watch our video to find out more.