FK-506-13C,D2 (Major) (Tacrolimus) (>85%)
Product Code
CAS Number
Product Format
Molecular Formula
13C C43 D2 H67 N O12
Molecular Weight
API Family
TacrolimusProduct Categories
TRC, Immunosuppressants, Immunosuppressants, Cytokine and Growth Factor Signalling Modulators, Stable isotopes, Immunosuppressants, Additional Neuro Products, Stable isotopes, Stable Isotope Labelled Analytical Standards, Neurology Research Chemicals and Analytical Standards, Cancer Research Chemicals and Analytical Standards
Product Type
Stable Isotope LabelledUnlabelled CAS Number
Drug Type
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Product Information
Chemical Data
Analyte Name
Tacrolimus (13C,D2)
CAS Number
Molecular Formula
13C C43 D2 H67 N O12
Molecular Weight
Accurate Mass
Unlabelled CAS Number
SIL Type
Deuterium, Carbon
Product Data
Storage Temperature
Shipping Temperature
Room Temperature
Country of Origin
Product Type
Stable Isotope Labelled
Product Format
API Family
Product Description
A labelled immunosuppressant that blocks T cell proliferation in vitro by inhibiting the generation of several lymphokines, especially IL-2. Shown to inhibit the activity of FK-506 binding protein, thereby reversing its effects on sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca+2 release. A representative lot contained a distribution of 20% d-1, 40% d-2 and 20% d-3.
References: Asano, K., et al.: In Vivo, 10, 537 (1996), McCall, E., et al.: Circ. Res., 79, 1110 (1996), Raufman, J.P., et al.: J. Biol. Chem., 271, 19877 (1996), Rokaw, M.D., et al.: Am. J. Physiol., 271, C194 (1996), Knoll, G.A., et al.: Brit. Med. J., 318, 1104 (1999),