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2-Bromoethyl Methanethiosulfonate

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Product Information

Product Data

Analyte Name

2-Bromoethyl Methanethiosulfonate

CAS Number


Molecular Formula

C3 H7 Br O2 S2

Molecular Weight


Accurate Mass








Storage & Transport Information

Storage Temperature


Shipping Temperature

Room Temperature

Country of Origin


Product Attributes

Product Format


Product Description

Reacts specifically and rapidly with thiols to form mixed disulfides. Used to probe the structures of the ACh receptor channel of the GABA receptor channel and of lactose permease. Useful for mapping the pore-lining regions of the ryanodine receptor.

References: Yang, N. et al.: Neuron, 16, 113 (1996), Kuner, T. et al.: Neuron, 17, 343 (1996), Holmgren, M. et al: Neuropharmacology, 35, 797 (1996) Chahine, M. et al.: Biochemical & Biophysical Res. Commun., 233, 606 (1997), Ehrlich, B.E., et al.: J. Gen. Physiol., 109, 255 (1997), Rassendren, F., et al.: The EMBO Journal, 16, 3446 (1997), Egan, T.M., et al.: The Journal of Neuroscience, 18(7), 2350 (1998), Lin, C.-W. and Tsung-Yu, C.: J. Gen. Physiol., 116, 535 (2000)

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