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Meet Julian Schwarz, Proficiency Testing Specialist

Julian Schwarz, LGC Proficiency Testing Specialist

Julian Schwarz (Dr. rer. Nat.) is the Business Development Manager for Proficiency Testing at LGC Proficiency Testing located at the LGC Standards Sales Office in Wesel, Germany. Julian joined LGC in 2007 as Sales Manager and soon became German Product Manager Proficiency Testing. With Julian’s scientific background in microbiology and biogeochemistry, he has been involved in different Proficiency Testing (PT) and Reference Materials development projects, covering clinical, food, environmental, consumer safety, and petroleum industry needs. At present Julian is responsible for clients in 73 countries worldwide, and provides technical advice as well as regular trainings on the usage of Certified Reference Materials and PT.


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Using LGC Proficiency Testing tools to improve laboratory corrective actions

Join Julian Schwarz, LGC's Proficiency Testing Specialist to find out how LGC Proficiency Testing tools help to improve laboratory corrective actions.


Brewing & Beyond

How the beverage industry embraces proficiency testing to deliver quality

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LGC Proficiency Testing

The Proficiency Perspective

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LGC Proficiency Testing Educational Webinar Series - 1

Introduction to PT (German)

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LGC Proficiency Testing Educational Webinar Series - 2

How a PT Scheme Operates (German)

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LGC Eignungsprüfungs-Webinar

Jenseits der Akkreditierung: Wie Laboratorien Ergebnisse von Eignungsprüfungen zur Optimieru

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LGC Proficiency Testing Educational Webinar Series - 3

Auswahl passender Eignungsprüfungen

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LGC Proficiency Testing Webinar Series - 4

Evaluierung von Eignungsprüfungen (German)

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LGC Proficiency Testing Webinar Series - 5

Ergebnisse von Eignungsprüfungen interpretieren und nutzen (German)

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LGC Proficiency Testing Webinar Series - 6

LGC Eignungsprüfung (German)

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Die Geschichte der Salmonellen

Vergangenheit, Gegenwart und Zukunft von PT in Salmonellentests

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Evolution in der Umweltanalytik

Wie die Analytik sich auf zunehmende Bedenken und Regulierungen gegenüber PFAS & Neonikotinoid

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