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Pramlintide-d3 Trifluoroacetate

Product Code


Product Format


Molecular Formula

C171H264D3N51O53S2 x C2HF3O2

Product Categories

TRC, Stable isotopes

Alternate CAS Number

Freebase: 151126-32-8

Price and availability

24-hour USA dispatch time
If Exact Weight packaging is selected, a certificate will be delivered with the product, which will indicate the mass of the material dispensed into the vial with a precision of up to 3 decimal places. Exceptions apply.

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Product Information

Product Data

Analyte Name

Pramlintide-d3 Trifluoroacetate

Molecular Formula

C171H264D3N51O53S2 x C2HF3O2

Alternate CAS Number

Freebase: 151126-32-8

SIL Type


Storage & Transport Information

Storage Temperature


Shipping Temperature

Room Temperature

Country of Origin


Product Attributes

Product Format


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