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Which international standards are relevant to LGC PT schemes?
All our PT schemes are operated in accordance with the international standard ISO/IEC 17043. The statistical analysis undertaken is in accordance with the international standard ISO 13528. LGC is accredited by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS) for the provision of proficiency testing schemes against ISO/IEC 17043
How are your schemes organised?
The day-to-day operation of each scheme is the responsibility of LGC Standards. Individual schemes are managed by a team of Scheme Coordinators, to cover reporting, customer service and technical functions.
For some schemes, external advisors may also be used to provide the full range of relevant knowledge and expertise needed to operate the scheme effectively. A small number of schemes are run in collaboration with other organisations.
For some schemes, external advisors may also be used to provide the full range of relevant knowledge and expertise needed to operate the scheme effectively. A small number of schemes are run in collaboration with other organisations.
Do you use Advisors and Advisory Groups?
Yes, depending upon the scheme in question. Advisors are selected on the basis of their technical knowledge and experience of the industry to which the scheme is related.
Advisors may be used on an ad-hoc basis and contacted when specific issues need to be addressed. Alternatively, formal Advisory Groups may be used. Advisory Groups consist of members who may or may not be participants on the scheme but who are experienced in the field of testing covered by the PT scheme. The composition and terms of reference of each Advisory Group will be agreed on a scheme-by-scheme basis. Membership of the Advisory Groups is subject to change but members’ names are available on request.
Advisors may be used on an ad-hoc basis and contacted when specific issues need to be addressed. Alternatively, formal Advisory Groups may be used. Advisory Groups consist of members who may or may not be participants on the scheme but who are experienced in the field of testing covered by the PT scheme. The composition and terms of reference of each Advisory Group will be agreed on a scheme-by-scheme basis. Membership of the Advisory Groups is subject to change but members’ names are available on request.
Do you run schemes that are jointly managed?
Yes, some schemes are operated jointly with a partner organisation. Where schemes are operated jointly, a Management Committee may be set up to address operational issues for the scheme.
How do I join a scheme?
Participants are advised to take part in the scheme(s) that are most fitting to their own area of testing. Where necessary, appropriate staff at LGC Standards can advise on which scheme is most suitable for participants.
For each scheme, a scheme description and application form will be available, containing information about the test materials included in the scheme, and the intended distribution dates.
Participants are invited to complete the application form, indicating which test materials they wish to receive during the scheme year. If the availability of test materials changes during the scheme year, participants are kept fully informed.
Once a completed application form is received, an order confirmation will be sent to the participant, confirming the test materials selected and distribution date.
For each scheme, a scheme description and application form will be available, containing information about the test materials included in the scheme, and the intended distribution dates.
Participants are invited to complete the application form, indicating which test materials they wish to receive during the scheme year. If the availability of test materials changes during the scheme year, participants are kept fully informed.
Once a completed application form is received, an order confirmation will be sent to the participant, confirming the test materials selected and distribution date.
Can you guarantee my laboratory’s confidentiality?
In order to ensure confidentiality, participants in all schemes are allocated a unique laboratory reference number. This number enables results to be reported without divulging the identities of participant laboratories. Only staff within the proficiency testing team and the laboratory itself will know this number.